End Term 1 2021/22

We would like to inform you that the school will proceed on a short holiday: End of Term 1 Break on Thursday 30th September –
Tuesday 12th October 2021.

The Kindergarten pupils will close a day earlier on Wednesday 29th September 2021. It will be a normal school day for the Kindergarten pupils.

All the children on school transport will be dropped home as usual in two trips. The buses will leave school at 2pm.

The pupils who use private transport will be picked as usual from 2pm as well.

The boarders will be released to start their short holiday that day at 3.00pm.
They will be picked from school by the parent/ guardian after being duly signed out.
For the parents who would like to pick the baording child together with a sibling who is on school transport, the parent/ guardian should make a communication to the respective class teacher in order to facilitate the same.

We urge all those parents/ guardians who will come to pick the boarders to cooperate with the school measures put down to fight against Covid-19 pandemic. Everyone will be required to properly wear a mask, wash hands or sanitize and maintain appropriate physical distance.

The day scholars will report back on Wednesday 13th October 2021.
All pupils on school transport will be picked as usual. Those who use private means should also be dropped to school as usual.

The boarders will report on Tuesday 12th October 2021 strictly between
1.00pm – 4.00pm

We take this opportunity to thank you all for your steadfast support to the school.
May the good Lord bless you and your families.
